Monday, December 07, 2009

humans, so complex, so complicated...

Have you ever......

- behave like another person you dont wish to be?
- felt hurt so badly that u dont know how to be nice again?
- felt so cheated being frank & get insincere responses?
- want to be nice & yet always being taken advantage of (direct/indirectly)?
- wonder y human beings are so complex? y one have to behave that way?
- been so upset upset upset about something, when u can spend your "time being upset" doing other things more useful?
- deep in you, you want to be nice, and yet, you just cant help it to be nasty to protect yourself?
- start playing MIA when you feel "why should i be doing that for"?
- wonder what is karma, and what are the consequences?
- stand on another's position to think?
- wonder what are the consequences?
- wish you know what one is thinking about?
- wish you can turn back time?

So how....

-can u feel less hurt/upset/disappointed?

Its impossible not to think, or just pretend to forget, or just act normal.. Yes, you can find something else to do, but when your brain just stop working for the day, ugly images will just swing around in your mind, haunting you like you are never ever able to escape...

yes, haunt is the word... the word i m most afraid of........ often make one shiver with fear (yes, im shivering now).... for what reason, i dont know...


A broken glass, no matter how you mend it, there are still cracks that reminds you of how u broke it....

so what went wrong? am i someone who is hard to communicate with? unreasonable? i always believe in karma, cos i know i m not a nice person.. so maybe i am getting it now...
it just doesnt pay to be nice at all..

Resolve: just dont bother... ok.. dont bother..... bring me away please...... just take me away for good. it's just stopping me to take the next big step ahead.... then of cos, y should that be?

PS: just ignore me, im just talking nonsenses......

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